
Peak District

England - Unfinished

Such a beautiful land I’m proud to call home
lush meadows and valley’s with high peaks to roam.
Lying nestled between Scotland and Wales:
sharing bygone history in mystical tales.
There’s so much to tell to know where to start
we once had a Princess who captured our heart!
A dark moment for Britain that won’t go away
hence the memory of Diana remains to this day.
Candle lit lampposts and the Thames under ice
a skate to the market now that would be nice.
A box girder bridge formed of concrete and steel
spans the Thames in a nursery rhyme ordeal.
A monument in Wiltshire rising 13 feet high
of debated many reasons that no one knows why?
Glastonbury Festival throughout its 5 day
whatever the weather will blow you away.
Devon and Cornwall for summers we dream
a knickerbocker glory and tea please with cream.  (-before we joined the EU)
Chalk filtered Rivers through meadows flow by
whence fully winged insects flirt-ate in the sky.
