Last Tsar of Russia

On a blanket of mist before the rise of the sun
Bolshevik's revolutionary deed had been done.
They came as your friend on a mission to kill
and showed no remorse when your bodies lay still.
Nicholas of Russia my heart bleeds for you
you were not made aware of what they could do.
You gave up the throne for the country you love
now your souls once so caring join angels above.

In listing the following tears fill my eye
Tsar Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia
Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia
Grand Duchess Olga
Grand Duchess Tatiana
Grand Duchess Maria
Grand Duchess Anastasia
Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia
as you were sadly denied your final goodbye.

God bless you all may your souls be at rest?
Your love for each other was one to be blessed.
The people have changed in learning the fact
hence a ceremony honour was government-backed
Now a picture displays of one I hold dear
framed in my mind so vividly clear.
From a poem I wrote way back years ago
I could never imagine such pain it would show…

Info: I wrote a (short) poem titled Filled with Magic some years back that's based on Keele Hall.

From 1901 – 1910 the Grand Duke Mikhail (Michael) Mikhailovich Romanov, grandson of Tsar Nicholas I of Russia rented Keele Hall from Ralph Sneyd; and it was from A Romanov Love Story at Keele that I had read on the Keele Hall website that got me inspired to do more research.

In Newcastle-under-Lyme, a statue of Queen Victoria was unveiled by (Michael) Mikhailovich Romanov, the statue (with an inscription to him) now stands in the Queen's Gardens by the Ironmarket. In further researching it sadly lead to the last Tsar of Russia being brutally murdered along with his loving family.

After the murders King George V was blamed for not allowing them to live in this country. Nicholas11 wanted the royal family to go into exile following his abdication, with the United Kingdom being his preferred option but they were eventually denied by King George V. I believe King George was looking out for his own country and didn't want trouble brought upon his people for his actions. I'm sure had he have known they were to be murdered he would not have hesitated in welcoming his cousin and family over...

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